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The PTC Armory 100% Bulletproof Lifetime-Guarantee

We’re not like the big, faceless brand companies that run a pure volume game, trying to sell as many guns as possible regardless of quality. The dirty industry secret is they know, and they depend on their customers never firing more than 50 rounds of ammo on average from any of the guns they sell… that’s why they don’t obsess over quality like we do. 

We want you to trust your life to our weapons.

We want you to shoot your custom gun… a lot. 

Most companies will stand behind their guns with at least a manufacturer warranty. That’s the minimum. It shouldn’t be broken when you get it…

Of course we guarantee your gun will work when you get it. 

But, we don’t stop there…

We guarantee your gun for life. 

Run your gun hard. Run it dirty (keep it well lubed please). Abuse it if you like… 

Whatever you do, don’t baby it or leave it sitting alone in the gun safe…

Shoot thousands of rounds – tens of thousands preferably – every single year. 

Our guns will perform for you, or we’ll make it right.

Shoot out a barrel after 50,000 rounds? Congratulations! That’s what we like to see. We’ll replace it for free.

If you ever use your gun in a justified defensive shooting – that’s why we provide the most reliable firearms, to defend your life and the lives of those you love. Let us know and we’ll get you a replacement while you’re waiting on your investigation to finish so you can get your gun back. 

Simply put, we are building the same gun company we want to buy from. A company built by American Patriots that cares about American Patriots. 

That’s our 100% Bulletproof Lifetime-Guarantee.